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Glutathione vs Kanker

Glutathione vs Kanker

Glutathione berperan penting dalam mencegah kanker, melindungi DNA dari kerusakan akibat keracunan zat kimia berbahaya dan sekaligus membersihkannya dari dalam tubuh kita. Pasien yang menderita kanker ganas ditemukan memiliki kadar Glutathione yang sangat rendah dalam tubuhnya.

Glutathione juga memerangi KANKER. Glutathione mampu memilih dengan selektif sel kanker ganas mana yang harus diperangi tanpa mengganggu sel yang masih sehat.
Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan Glutathione dapat mmperbaiki kondisi Neuroblastoma, Kanker Serviks, Leukemia, dan Kanker-kanker lainnya. Glutathione bahkan terbukti dapat mmperbaiki kondisi Kanker Ovarium.
Glutathione juga mampu mengurangi efek negatif dari kemoterapi pada penderita kanker.

Tidak perlu diperdebatkan lagi tentang penting tidaknya untuk menaikkan kadar Glutathione dalam tubuh kita.
Karena jawabnya adalah: PENTING !!

GLUTERA Glutathione merupakan suplemen lengkap sebagai glutathione percursors yang mampu meningkatkan jumlah glutathione dalam tubuh kita.
Semoga bermanfaat.

Lymphocyte glutathione levels in acute leukemia.
The current interest in the clinical significance of the glutathione estimation in leukemia is due to its widespread effect on the cell constituent and cell function of the hematopoietic system. It helps and protects the cells against free radicals and reactive oxygen products. The present study was conducted to estimate glutathione levels in lymphocytes of 20 patients with acute leukemia before and after chemotherapy to observe the relation of glutathione level to response to chemotherapy. Twenty age and sex matched healthy volunteers served as control. In acute myeloid leukemia, the levels were almost double than that of controls (P<0.001). In acute lymphoid leukemia they were 2.5 times of the control. Lymphocyte glutathione levels was higher in active phase of disease than in remission. Lymphocyte glutathione level could act as a marker of leukemic activity and may help to predict onset of relapse. But, it is not only the determinant of response to chemotherapy.

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